Happy Wednesday!
And welcome to your weekly opportunity to do all the talking.
Until next time,
~ Hasky
Lighten Up is about peeking at life through a new lens and examining the lighter side of things - world events, family and friends, job stress, pet ownership - for relief from the challenges that weigh us down. Even though we don't shy away from the tough stuff here, we value the humor, the joy, and the absurdity of life. Most of all, Lighten Up promises some thought-provoking conversation, a little laughter, and just a pinch of reality thrown in for flavor.
I cant help but think of the latest political nonsense going on so to take back our "Street" from the politicians I will not discuss it here. Instead I think of Big Bird and the gang as a wonderful right of passage for children for many generations and how parents have memorized some of the more popular songs/themes. This is an invaluable service and a welcome commercial free experience. If you can afford to show your support with a donation, no matter how small it counts!